Could Web Development be Your Dream Career?

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Are you unsure of what you want to do after school? You're not alone - most people don't feel 100% confident when it comes to making initial career choices.

It also doesn't help that many career advisory boards and resources are outdated and do not focus enough on new exciting careers.

For instance, if you are tech savvy, enjoy coding and spend considerable time online, you should think about becoming a web developer! Not sure who web developers are, or what education you need to obtain to be eligible for website development positions? Fear not, as this is exactly what this guide is all about.

So, could web development be your dream career? Keep reading to find out.

"The methods and tools teachers are using today, haven't changed much from a decade ago.

Unfortunately, learning how to design webpages using drag-and-drop and static HTML pages is no longer enough. To be competitive today, students need to know the foundation of HTML, but they also need to be fluent in a server-side language such as PHP. The problem is the old methods and tools do not work well when trying to prepare students for the real world, or teach them PHP.

That's why we came up with EduBolt – a new platform which Web Design and Web Development teachers are going to find invaluable."
What is web development?

Web development involves working on technical aspects of websites.

In other words, web developers are programmers who specialize in the development of web applications and interfaces. Many web developers also double as web designers, which means they don't only bring websites to life, but also build the architecture, including visual design and layouts – however, if web design isn't something you're interested in, you don't have to offer these services.

Web Development Facts

Where do web developers work?

There are many various workplaces available for web developers to suit any preference, skillset and working style!


This path is not for the faint of heart, but if you have what it takes to launch your own business, you may be delighted to find you're not alone in your ambition! You may choose to coordinate your efforts with other professionals or become a superhero and handle every part of the process (e.g. customer relations, marketing, accounting) yourself.

The main disadvantage here is uncertainty, but once you've built a solid client base and established a healthy work-life balance, you will likely find that it was worth the effort!

Small Company

These are often referred to as “web shops” and usually consist of a small employee base solely devoted to various aspects of website development. You will likely work with a small team of designers, accountants, marketing specialists and other industry experts to cover all website needs of various clients.

Small companies usually have great, almost family-like working environments, but unlike bigger corporations there may be less room for growth. This is not to say that you can't become super successful in a web shop though, so if you love it – stick with it!

Non-Tech Companies

These are bigger companies that use web products such as websites and apps to promote their services, which is exactly where your expertise is required. You could work by yourself or be a part of a big, merry development team – either way, it's a great opportunity to score a full-time job and kickstart your career.

Tech Companies

And of course, if you work hard enough, you can get a dream job in one of the big companies specializing in tech products, such as Google! In these environments, you usually get to work with large, diverse teams of web developers.

Technically, this category also includes startups, although those operate on a smaller scale.

What skills are involved in web development?

Coding HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP are the most common skills used by web developers.

If you genuinely enjoy programming, or have interest in learning, web development is easy to pick up and with the right tools you can quickly gain solid coding skills.

Professional skills and knowledge

The building blocks of web development are HTML (which sets the structure) and CSS (which changes the styles and the way your project looks). These are a bare minimum you'll need to be comfortable with before offering your services, although to really succeed, you will likely need more than just the basics. Of course, no one will expect you to always remember everything, creating custom HTML and CSS pages from memory, but at the very least, you need to know where to look for information and how to utilize it efficiently.

Beyond these "raw materials", in order to get more clients, it is useful to be familiar with the following:

  • WordPress and PHP (the language behind it)
  • Media queries (these are useful tools for building mobile-friendly websites, often referred to as responsive websites)
  • E-commerce platforms to help you build online stores
  • And many other things!

On top of that, sometimes you will have to think outside the box and use software beyond code editors, including but not limited to Photoshop, Domains, Hosting, cPanel, and FTP.

It is perfectly fine if you have never heard of those before (and if you have – wow, that's some impressive insight!). This list simply illustrates how much learning goes into becoming a successful, well-rounded web developer with a promising career ahead! So, the best thing you can do to set yourself up for success in the industry is learn eagerly, as every little thing matters.

General skills for your resume

Speaking of more general skills required to become a successful website developer, here are some of the most requested ones:

  • Communication
  • Presentation
  • Project management
  • Problem solving
  • Ability to work independently
  • Strong teamwork capabilities
  • Excellent time management and organisation
  • Ability to conduct research

These general skills will not only make you stand out of the crowd and attract employers, but also start your own business or become a freelancer, if that's something you're interested in!

What education and experience is required to become a web developer?

Web development is a uniquely positioned skill-based field, where there are many successful specialists that don't have any formal education in the area. Self-learning or educational courses have consistently proven to be valuable options, while professional certificates may help acknowledge your efforts.

However, there is also the harsh reality that many employers today still require prospective wed developers to hold a relevant bachelor degree, which may be in computer science or something similar. Relevant subjects include programming, advanced mathematics, web design, networking and database management.

During your studies, you also want to gain as much exposure and relevant skills experience as possible. Extracurricular activities boosting your employability may include:

  • Building your own portfolio website from scratch and filling it with examples of your work
  • Doing freelance projects
  • Contributing to so-called “open source” projects
  • Or simply following industry news!

If you have skills, experience and exposure, you'll be able to interview for your dream job and get it!

Career pathways in web development

Obtaining necessary skills to start a web developer career is quite challenging and time consuming, even for those who genuinely enjoy everything about the process!

However, you will be delighted to find out that this career pathway is very fruitful, and there are numerous things web developers can do. Each career opportunity has its own specifics and additional skill requirements, so choose something you can apply your talents to.

Here are just some of the options!

Web Development Industry Trends

There are numerous career pathways in web development – and the industry is growing far beyond simple website building! To inspire you and showcase the possibilities, here are some of the newest web development career trends.

Web Engineering

Web engineering is an emerging new discipline, where specialists work to implement a systematic approach to web development. This is extremely important, considering that there are currently no solid guidelines for best practices in web development, as well as no quality control and assurance procedures. This is a very new area that is growing rapidly, so if you have an analytical mind and enjoy problem solving, web engineering may be the right discipline for you.

Developing systems for disaster management

Disaster management often seems spontaneous, however this is far from truth, as preparedness for emergency events requires simulation of various scenarios, disaster hotspot identification and building of hazard maps. These processes can be managed and simplified with the use of web GI systems, which are becoming increasingly popular. Working on such systems can be a very rewarding experience – and you may also get to work with global networks such as the World Health Organization!

Real time web development testing

Web developers often run into problems, causes of which are not always easy to detect. These mysteries may take hours and days to solve – but fortunately, one of the most recent web development trends is creating real time web development testing systems, which generate error logs on the spot, allowing to resolve at least some problems rapidly.

Game design and development

If games are something you're passionate about, why not apply your skills in game development? Developing game concepts, prototypes and codes are just some of the things you can do in this area. Making games is a creative and rewarding art form, most suitable for people with great imagination and unique ideas.

Other options

Of course, the trendy career pathways above do not cancel out more traditional web development jobs, such as building websites and online platforms. If this is something you are leaning towards – follow your passion, as your work satisfaction is what matters here!

Does Web Development Sound Like it Could be Your Dream Career?

With an expected 20% growth in web development jobs by 2020 and an average salary that is almost two times higher than the national average, web development is definitely a rewarding career path to consider. Obtaining a required skillset is challenging and often involves getting a relevant bachelor degree – but if you are determined to succeed, enjoy coding and technologies, web development may be a great career choice for you.

If you haven't already, ask yourself: could web development be your dream career?

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